Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Belgium presents: The Belgian Technical Chain Reaction 2013

Hi to all you Einsteins, 

Belgium proudly presents its technical chain reaction 2013!

In the last couple of weeks 33 junior-scientists have been working hard to create this chain and we hope you will like it!

Of course you will also have learned a lot about science in the last couple of weeks while building your own chain reaction and that's why we are very curious to see if you are smart enough to figure out how the submarine used in this chain reaction works.  This submarine was homemade by a team of 4 students under the guidance of a skillful dad. Who will be the first to write down correctly in a comment how this submarine works?

We hope you will have as much joy watching this chain reaction as we had creating it!

We look forward a lot to watching all your chain reactions!

Best wishes for 2013!

The Belgian Team


  1. Well done do Dave and all of the children, another superb chain reaction. Sadly, my previous school seem to have decided not to take part this year, maybe I'll bring your chain reaction community to my new school this year! Jon Wain England

  2. What a chain reaction! We watched yours and felt a bit numb for a while. What on Earth can we come up with when you already have a wonderful chain reaction like that? But we are very happy with our video too! Good luck with the competition!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That's the spirit, Dave!

    Again a very professional chain reaction.
    Your students truly are great scientists.

    And you seem to be getting ever more brilliant in the editing field.
    What a stunning video quality!

    Thumbs up for Belgium!
    You don't need much luck with that entry of yours.


  5. Sure you have a hard time and a lot of fun in this wonderful and amazing chain reaction. You are a very good team.

  6. Dave ! This is perfect... You should come my school and teach us to this wonderful chain reaction.
    With loves,

  7. Greetings from Bulgaria!
    Excellent chain reaction - we watched it with interest!
    Good luck

  8. Hi,

    for mi it's the most original idea with so many different parts. I like it.

    All the best.

    Matko, slovenian team

  9. this was nice!

  10. hi!
    this is a cool video!!!!!!!
    good luck:)
    best regards elisabeth

  11. Julie Alexandra NorwayJanuary 28, 2013 at 9:08 PM

    thisis cool video. i like this very mutch, good luck

  12. Hello Belgium, and Dave!

    We very much enjoyed watching your excellent entry this afternoon! Lots of thought went into this wonderful chain reaction!

    Good luck from us all,

  13. Hello!!!
    You ALWAYS SUCCEEED in amazing us!

    FANTASTIC Chain! We keep watching your extremely creative chain reaction for days (even from my android, in bed)


    Ksenija & Croatian team

  14. it was nice boulder done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!

    1. Excellent, very good.It is my favorite.
      Good luck!
      Best wishes from the Czech Republic.

  15. it was fun to make this chain reaction
